The Magic Fountain of Montjuic music and light show

   The Font Mágica Fountain. The Magic Fountain is a "must see" Barcelona attraction. You have never seen a fountain like this. It really does feel magic to experience the beautiful show of water, light and music. The Magic fountain was built in 1929 as one of the main attractions for the Barcelona World Fair and the Font Magica is still one of the most famous spots in Barcelona with an estimated 2.5 million visitors annually. There are water and light shows in the summer from Thursday to Sunday and admission is free. See show times below. Please note that sometimes due to exhibitions and events access to the fountain can be
closed. Visit the Magic Fountain by metro to station Espanya.

Magic Fountain winter show times
From 1 October 2013 until 30 April 2014
Friday and Saturday: shows from 7pm to 9pm
Sunday to Thursday: closed - no shows
Admission free.

Magic Fountain summer show times from May:
Monday to Wednesday: no shows
Thursday to Sunday: show every 30 mins from 9pm to 11.30pm  Last show starts 11pm

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